Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Low Fat Thin Crust Pizza At HOME!! :)

Well I know many of you are thinking that LOW FAT and Pizza
shouldn't be used in the same sentence!!

Yes I thought so too but I wanted to share with you a
pizza that I make using a store bought mix and low fat ingredients!

I think you will find it pretty yummy without all of the Guilt!!
Here is the mix I used and my new thin crust pizza pan I used!
The mix is super easy!! Just add water:)

Now I know this doesn't look like Papa John's but it is about 1/3 the fat!
I made 1/2 of it with FAT FREE Mozzarella Cheese and Onions, and
the other 1/2 was made with FAT FREE Cheddar cheese and Red Peppers, and Onions!

Here is the final product!
This serving size of 4 slices would be about 6.5 grams of fat
and about 600 calories.

Compared to a box pizza which is about 200 calories a slice and 12 grams of fat per slice!

I don't recommend eating this at every meal but this might
be a nice treat if you are on a diet without
blowing all of your hard work!

I also wanted to mention that I have been off Diet Coke & Coke Zero now
for 7 days!!  I know that is not a very long time but for me that is a big

I have been doing the Water Diet:)  I found this through Liz at
really has an awesome site so make sure you stop by.

The water diet pretty much consist of drinking
8oz of water before you eat
8oz while you eat
and 8oz right after you finish eating!

You really don't have to watch too closely what you eat because the
water fills you up!
Now I still do count calories and exercise regularly partly because
I enjoy it and I am happy to say that I am down 3lbs so far this week!!

I will keep you posted on my success!! I am just happy that I don't really
feel that I need the (3) Diet Cokes a day that I was drinking!!

Give it a try and see how you do:)

Warning!! You will go spend more time in the bathroom:)

Here's to getting healthy in 2012!!
Mrs. C :)


  1. YUMMM that veggie pizza looks good!
    I visit Liz's blog too and couldn't believe when I read that about the Water Diet. I'd never heard of it before, but it definitely sounds like it's working!
    WAY TO GO on not drinking Diet Coke or Coke Zero in a while...that's huge! Good job! :)

  2. Move over Rachel Ray... this looks sooooo delicious. Mim gonna have to try it! =) TFS
