Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Outfit Inspiration: Jennifer Aniston

Well first of all I love Jennifer Aniston's street style.  She always
looks so put together even in flip flops and a tank!
I love her hair in this picture as well.  Just a nice clean
casual weekend outfit.

So over the weekend I was at a garage
sale in my neighbor hood and picked up this LOFT 3/4 length
shirt for only $1.00 woo hoo!  I started to look on Pinterest
and  came upon the picture above and thought that this shirt
would be a close alternative for work to this outfit.  Since I can dress
casual for work, shorts are allowed :)

The lighting in our office isn't fantastic so sorry if the picture
isn't the best.  You still get a good idea of how the outfit came together.
This will definitely be worn again for a casual look on the weekend as well!
So the next time you are out shopping come home and see what
outfits you can create by looking to other for inspiration.
I always say I am a good duplicator not always the best
I will back later in the week with Memorial Day party outfits!
Happy Wednesday!
Mrs. C

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