Saturday, February 1, 2014

Setting a Clothing Budget!

Well Happy February 1st to you!
Can you believe we are already into the second
month of the new year! 
Well last weekend I decided to start a little Spring
cleaning in my closet!  I pretty much went through
and tried on each section at a time and bagged up
anything that didn't look and feel like something that I
would be wearing anytime in the near future.
So with saying that I came up with three bags of nice
clothing, one for a consignment store here in Georgia
called Plato's Closet.  Have you have ever heard of it?
They really have an awesome concept to how they do their
consigning, they actually pay you cash or credit on the spot instead of waiting until your items sell!!
It is pretty awesome and they have a huge selection of name brands in great condition.  The problem there is they only take and sell items based more for juniors/young adults. 
Not saying that I am getting old:)  but I really only get bottoms there since some of the other items just don't fit my style right now:) 
Next I have a second bag for The Pink Hanger consignment store, which actually specializes in kids, women's, and juniors.  I have actually done pretty well with my items there so far in the last six months!  I have actually recycled about $90 worth of clothing from using their store:)
Lastly my third bag is for the Goodwill, anything that didn't quite make the brand cut list or was out of season I just donated!
So all things considered I feel pretty good about how my
closet is currently functioning for me!
Listed below are the links to the consignment stores
that I currently go to.  You might want to check them out and
see if there is one in your area!
Plato's Closet
The Pink Hanger
So now to get into the title of this post:
Setting a Clothing Budget
I am a huge fan of the blog,
J's Everyday Fashion
She really comes up with the best outfits and shows you
how to make the most out of your closet.
One of the things she does to keep her closet fresh
is set up a monthly clothing budget!
I love this idea just for the simple fact that it takes the guilt
out of buying for me!  If I have to save for something it seems
more like a reward than a splurge:)
So I have my budget in mind and hope to add to it with
the consignment bags I have to drop off today!
In addition to setting this clothing budget I am also
going to make a wish list/shopping guide for when
I am out an about and not just make impulse buys!
Stop back later this week to see what
I have added to my closet for the month of January!
So do you have a clothing budget?  If so how do allocate
where you are going to spend it?
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
Mrs. C

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