Saturday, February 9, 2013

Scrapbooking "SCRAP" Organization

My scrapbook room is an on going project
here in our house and probably will be for
years to come but I am ok with that because
I think this is my favorite room in the house to o

Today I wanted to share with you my
most recent way to store my scraps.
It seems like when I am done with my project I
also have smaller pieces left over that I just
can't seem to part with but over time they just
lay in a pile and it becomes over whelming.
that is where my new organization comes into play!
I bought this rolling cart at a yard sale a couple of
years ago for only $5 and it came with the hanging folders!
I used it for a long time for our personal bills
but we really didn't need this much space and I
like to keep that kind of information a little more
sealed in a desk drawer.

So I decided to make this into my
"Scraps" storage area!

My hubby got me this cute sign at a
local antique store on one of our dates
and I thought it would be perfect on the front of
my cart to give it a little flair!

Below I organized the dividers by how
I scrapbook, everyone is different so organize your space
to fit your needs and style.

I went by colors, patterns, and themes.
This method really seems to work for me because
if I am working on a project and need something to coordinate
with it I can go right to the tap and find what I need!

Remember Rome wasn't built in a day and organizing
your space doesn't have to be done all at once:)

I know I have changed around my space more times than
I can count so don't get frustrated if you don't
have all of the time and money to do it at once:)

Happy Scrapping!
Mrs. C

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