Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Hutch is Finally in the Kitchen!!

I wanted to share with you my Craigslist Hutch that I have in my kitchen!
It's not fancy but I do love its character and the fact that it has storage
underneath!!  It is great to keep those appliances under there that you do not
use on a regular basis, such as the toaster since we have been
on a low carb diet:)

I think it turned out pretty good.  Like I said not fancy but
it fits the style of our kitchen and gives the space some character and
storage!  I just love pieces that have storage in them!!  More places
to hide goodies!

I shouldn't even be talking about buying more goodies after this weekend!
I spent the better part of yesterday SPRING cleaning and getting
items ready for a yard sale!!

Well I hope you had a great weekend!!
Best wishes!!
Mrs. C


  1. I LOVE the hutch! I wish I lived closer and could come to your garage sale! Have a great week!
    Be blessed!

  2. I love how your hutch turned out! It looks great. Good job! The furniture in our kitchen is black too, and I really like how it looks.
    I hope your yard sale goes great when you have it!
    Here's to a great week ahead! :)

  3. The hutch turned out great! It's amazing what you can do with a little creativity! :) Happy Tuesday:)
