Sunday, March 3, 2013

Kitchen Drawer Organization

Happy March 1st!
I am getting so excited................ I can feel it Spring is around the corner!

This month is super busy for us so I wanted to try to get as
many project done as possible around the house.

I started in the kitchen with the pantry and have now have moved
on to the kitchen drawers!

A couple of weeks ago I went to Ikea and bought a couple
of plastic containers for these drawers to help with this mess!

Here is the before:
It was always a challenge to find what you were looking for
not to mention to try to close it!
This drawer organizer was $2.99 from Ikea
and now holds all of our small kitchen appliances.

Below is another drawer that needed attention in a bad way!

Below is the after:
Nice and organized!
These organizers were only $0.99 each!
Another great find from Ikea!
Last One: Before

Below is the after picture with all of our
grilling utentels organized! Finally :)

Well finally I feel like I am making headway and really
getting our house organized. 
Total cost for the organizers: $7.00
and only about 20 minutes of my time!
Not to bad:)

I hope you had a great weekend and maybe
finished or started one of those projects you have been
meaning to do!

Mrs. C


  1. You are really getting everything organized. It all looks really good! Hope you have a great week.

  2. are the queen of organizing! It's so awesome and inspriring!

    Today I am planning to organize my craft cupboard. It's been years since I've done it, and I went in there yesterday to find something, and well, let's just say I realized IT'S TIME to clean and organize that mess!

    The drawers you did look so awesome! I just love being organized!

    PS-I'm so jealous you have an IKEA....can you believe Vegas doesn't have one?! So I've never been, but hope to go to one one day! :)

    Hope you have a great rest of the week!
