Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wrapping Paper Station!

I don't know about you but I love to give and sometimes
receive gifts.............but what I really love is the
wrapping and presentation of a package!! :)
I have to admit I am very lucky to have a separate
craft room where I am able to store all of my goodies for
such things as a wrapping station!

However I do feel you could set up a similar
area in a closet or in a home office space.

In one corner of my attic space which is where my craft
room is located I turned it into a functional ribbon, wrapping paper,
and bow storage area!

Below is an over view picture of the space.

Here is a cheap storage rack that
my Mom picked up for me at a garage sale. 
I gave each bin a labeled tag with what
it contains in each compartment.

For example these bottom three hold:
Tissue Paper
Gift Bags &
Gift Boxes
Easily seen and easy to find when you are in a hurry!

To the right of that storage is where I actually keep
all of my bows and wrapping paper.
I got this little organizer at Michael's
when they were having one of their 50% off coupons!  Woot Woot!
I think I paid close to $20 for it and it was totally worth it!
I put the bows in glass vases so I could see what colors I had on hand.
I try to use what I have around the house for most of my projects to
keep down the costs of all the projects I want to do:)

Up close view of the bow storage area.

Last but not least my ribbon storage!
I have to admit I love ribbon!!!!
I found a picture of a similar system a long time ago in a
magazine and thought this would be a great way to store
all of my ribbon.  All I used was a couple of eye hooks and
dow rods that you can get at any hardware store.  The nice thing
about this project is how inexpensive and easy it is!

Well thank you for stopping by!
Here's to Happy Wrapping!
Mrs. C

1 comment:

  1. I've said it before, and I'll say it again--you are the queen of organising! I love your gift wrapping's so awesome! Everything is so neat and in order. I ♥ it!

    The other night I organized some cabinets upstairs in our hallway and it felt SO GOOD when I was done. Now everything looks so nice! Such a great feeling. :)

    Hope you have a great weekend, sweet friend!
