Monday, March 26, 2012

Easter Wreath

Happy Monday!!

I hope everyone is getting ready for Spring & Easter!
This weekend I put together a quick and easy Easter wreath using
a couple of supplies I had around the house!

Below is a wire wreath form I got at Michael's a couple of
weeks ago and never got around to using it!  I actually kind of
like these better than the garland wreaths because they don't stick out
as far in depth when you use the deco mesh.
All I did was attach pipe cleaners to the wreath and tie them in a knot.

Here is a picture of the wreath after adding the pipe cleaners.
Super easy and cheap!!

Here is the finished product!
I added a couple of Styrofoam carrots which were on sale
at Michael's for like $0.79, some ribbon, a couple of
pretty Easter eggs and the little sign in the middle
which I got at Christmas Tree Shop for $1.99:)
I think it turned out pretty good:)
This picture isn't the best, but you get the idea:)

So what did you create so far for Easter:) ?
Leave me a comment I would love to stop by your blog and check you out!!

Happy Monday!
Mrs. C


  1. Hi Amanda~
    I LOVE your wreath! I wish so bad you lived in Vegas, I'd beg you to teach me to make them as pretty as you do. It looks beautiful!
    Hope you have a great rest of the week!

  2. I love your wreath! I actually made an Easter wreath too :) Here's the link It was actually harder to cover the plastic eggs than it looked & took lots longer than I anticipated.
