Thursday, October 27, 2011

DIY Cheap Halloween Wreath!

Halloween Wreath DIY:

I love wreaths this time of year and I just couldn't find
anything that I really liked at the stores so I made on myself:)

(I forgot to included a picture of the crow in the before shot)

Total Cost for the project about: $8.00
but I did have alot of ribbion left over that
I used on other projects!

The wreath itself was a 50% off item from Michael's
and was only $2.99 :)

The ribbon was also a Michael's bargain at 40% off with an 20% off
your entire purchase the other week!

Can you tell I love Michael's!

I am still waiting for a Hobby Lobby to come a little closer!

Here is the final product:
I think the colors are fun for the Halloween Season!

Here is another wreath that I already have or I should say
my Mom gave it to me:)  Well I kind of just took it! 
She really loves me!

I just added some large wire leaves and a pretty bow
that I made out of Ribbon for a nice Fall/Harvest wreath!

I am going to leave this one up to Thanksgiving!  I love
the orange and green color combination!

I couldn't help myself, I had to add this picture!
I wanted to dress up our dogs this year but when
I went back for the costumes they were gone:(

Oh well, Next Year!

Happy Halloween!
Mrs. C


  1. Oh my gosh how adorable...the dogs and the wreath! Thanks for stoppin by today. I see you are new to blogging, welcome. Every Monday I host a newbie party and would love to have you. This Monday however, I am doing another party in lieu of it, I am hosting a magazine copy cat challenge.

  2. I LOVE the wreath you's SO CUUUTE! I wish so bad I could make big ribbons like that!
