Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Ouidad Curly Hair Product Review

Every girl wants the hair they can't have! 
I know that statement is true for me.
My past visit to my hair dresser really opened my eyes
to my natural curly hair.  I am usually a blow it dry
and straight iron kind of girl especially as the Summer heat approaches.
She made the comment to me about how pretty my natural curl
was and asked why I never where it like that.  Well if you have curly
hair you know 9 times out 10 it get huge and frizzy, that is why I never really
wore it in it's natural state!  I love curly hair but every time I would try to
"scrunch" it all it would do is make my hair feel crunchy :(
So she mentioned a product called Ouidad which has a complete
line designed for curly hair so you can embrace your natural curls!
I have to admit it did change my life in a way!!!  Ok that might be a
bit of a stretch but it did change my morning routine and how long it takes
me to get ready!  I can't get over how pretty my natural curls have become after
using this product and following the "Rake and Shake" styling method!
Below is a video that shows you the technique they use and
how pretty the curls turn out.
Over the weekend I hope to get a few pictures
of how my hair looks! 
So if you have curly hair this may be a product
you want to check out!  Embrace the curls:)
Happy Wednesday!
Mrs. C

1 comment:

  1. Wow, gorgeous curls! Thanks for sharing this post! I really enjoy your blog so far and would love to follow each other--please join my GFC and I'll follow you right back!


    xo Jess
