Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Scarf Storage

I may or may not have a scraf obsession :) 
A scraf can really add a little extra element to any outfit so
when I see a new color or pattern I usually snatch it up!

That is where the storage of them comes into play.  I was going to buy
one of the hanger storage hooks but I had too many.  I looked around the house
and found an old shoe organizer that I didn't use anymore and thought.....
that might be perfect!!

Below is a picture of an over the door hook that
is on the back of my closet door and then the organizer lines
up perfectly!

Above is a close up of all of the scarves.
This way I can see everything I have and easily match it
up with an outfit!

Remember it doesn't have to be expensive to be organized!

Happy Tuesday!
Mrs. C


  1. Great idea! Im a huge fan of organization, I like everything to have its spot.
    Inspiring post :)
